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TDS Section Code for FY 2022 – 2023.

Hi Guys

This is Ravi Verma, In this article, I will tell about the rate of TDS

Let’s start,

The Government of India has imposed different rates of TDS on all the individuals on different incomes so that all the individuals continue to pay tax on their income to the government.

TDS rate chart for FY 2022 – 2023

194ICPayment under specified agreement10%
194NPayment of a certain amount in cash2%
194AInterest other than interest on securities10%
194BWinning from lottery and puzzels30%
194BBWinning from horse race30%
194CPayment of Contractor and sub-contractor2%
194DInsurance CommissionPersons other than a company
Domestic Company
194EEPayment in respect of deposit under national saving scheme20%
194FPayment on account of re-purchase of unit by mutual fund and unit20%
194GCommission prize etc. on sale of lottery ticket5%
194HCommission on brokerage5%
194I (a)Rent on machinery, plant, or Equipment (applicable from 2013-2014 onward)2%
194I(b)Rent on land or building (applicable from 2013-2014 onward)10%
194J(a)fee for technical service10%
194J(b)fee for professional service and royalty2%
194KTDS on income from mutual fund units10%
194LAPayment of compensation on acquisition of certain immovable properties10%
194OTDS on E-commerce transaction1%
194QPayment of certain sums of purchase of goods0.1%
194DApayment in respect of life insurance policy (applicable from FY 2014-2015 Q3 onward)5%
192AAPayment of accumulated balance due to an employee made by the trustee of the employees provided fund scheme 1952 (applicable for statement 10%
194LBBIncome in respect of units of investment fund (applicable for statements pertaining to FY 2015 – 2016 onwards)10%
194IATDS on sale of property1%
194LBCIncome in respect of investment in securitization trust if the payee is a resident @25
if the payee is a non-resident @30 + SC + HEC
194LBA(a)Certain income in the form of interest from units of a business trust to a residential unit holder10%
194LBA(b)Certain income in the form of dividends from units of a business trust to a residential unit holder10%
194NFPayments of certain amounts in case to non-filers.2%
