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After how many days of filing TDS we can download Form 16A?

Hello this is Ravi Verma

In this article, I will tell you that after how many days of filing TDS we can generate Form 16A from the TRACES portal.

  • After how many days we should download Form-16A

When we file our return, after 3 to 4 days we have to generate our Form-16A by login on the TRACES portal.

When we file our return, the department verifies the report so that if there is an error in the report, the department informs us.

  • The Due date for generation of Form-16A

You have to generate Form-16A after filing the TDS return within 15 days

  • What is the penalty for not issuing Form-16A within the time limit?

if you are not issuing from-16A to your client then you will have to pay 100rs of each day.